Best Bulletproof excuses to get out of work

When you want to skip work for a day, you need a good reason that won't make your boss suspicious. This article will show you some rock-solid excuses to help you take a day off without any problems.
1.Family Emergency
A family emergency is perhaps the most appropriate and frequently invoked reason for crying off work. One can have any number of reasons to do it but none surpass that of having an ill relative who requires prompt action. Try to get elaborated on the state of affairs to avoid or minimize probing on the subject.
2.Doctor’s Appointment
Scheduling a check-up with one’s doctor is a surefire excuse as well. Make sure you get a note from your doctor stating why this visit was called for. This will sidestep any suspicions regarding your absence.
3.Car Trouble
In case your automobile jams up, that’s an excuse good enough to keep you away from the office unless it’s work from home. You can say that you have to go and take it to a repair facility and provide any supporting documents, for example, a notice of repair or a repair facility’s personnel note.
4.An Emergency in the Home
Sometimes, emergencies like bursting of pipes or electrical problems can also occur at night necessitating one to go on an unplanned day off. These occurrences are real and even repairs can be done to the concerned plumbing.
5.Personal Health Issues
In case you are having personal health issues ranging from a common cold to an exacerbation of an underlying condition, that is an acceptable excuse for staying home from work. Be prepared to provide medical documentation if needed.
6.Bad Weather
Inclement weather may be an acceptable grounds for absence from work as it relates to delayed take offs for flights or driving become hazardous.
What To Say:
”My flight was delayed and i cannot return to the city till tomorrow. I’m sorry, but I can’t make it to the office today.”
What To Say:
”There are around 2 feet of snow blocking my driveway and the road is a complete white-out. I do not think it is safe for me to drive today. I guess it is better if I take a day off.”
7.Car Accident
It is rare to find an individual who has never been involved in a car accident. Very few people would refuse to accept this as a valid reason.
What to Say:
“About an hour ago, I got rear-ended on the way to work. I’m fine, I’ve already informed the police but now there is waiting for someone to arrive and talk to the insurance. Apologies but I’ll not be in the office today.”
8.Car Trouble
Perhaps you did not get into an accident, but instead your car just has a flat tire or alcohol won’t start your vehicle, or there is a chip in the windscreen. You probably wouldn’t want to apply for the entire day off, depending the situation, but it is bound to be a justifiable excuse for arriving late, if nothing more.
What to Say:
“It is impossible for me to start my car this morning. The battery seems fine, so I had to call a tow truck to take my transport to the dealer’s shop, because it was impossible to start the engine. I will not be able to get to the office today.”
What to Say:
“I woke up to a flat tire on my car. I plan to attempt to take it to the tire shop and have it repaired this morning. It could take a couple of hours so I’m not sure if I’ll go to the office today.”
9.Covid or Flu
In the event that you have flu like symptoms or even worse, present symptoms of covid, this is an acceptable motive to notify your workplace that you will be absent.
What to Say:
“I was up the whole night feeling cold and with the most terrible sore throat I have ever experienced. I went in and had a Covid and Flu test done but I am still awaiting the results. I am going to remain indoors and take a break off work today as I am in the house waiting for the results.”
a concussion. There is no one else that can look after her. I have to stay at home."
Menstrual cramps can be extreme, therefore it's a valid reason to skip work.
What to Say: I’m having severe menstrual cramps this morning. I can hardly walk. I’m resting on the couch, and I’m afraid I’m not going to make it into work today.
If your child’s daycare is closed or your nanny does not show up, these are all legit excuses.
What to Say: "The school called and my son is being sent back home earlier than expected. I must leave work to pick him up."
What to Say: "This morning my nanny unexpectedly called in sick and I cannot get anyone else to watch our kids. I will have to take a day off."
12.Death in the Family
No one will question you if you need to miss work for mourning needs.
What to Say: "I received an unexpected news this morning. My mother died today. Therefore, I will not be going to work."
What to Say: “I’m sure you’re aware that my grandfather has been suffering from cancer for the last year following his surgery last year. He died last night as I was just informed over the phone. I have to request a day off in order to help my family.”
13.Dental Emergency
If you’re having a dental emergency like a chipped tooth or fallen crown, such reasons for absence are justifiable.
What to Say: “There’s a crown on my tooth which is only temporary and it came off this morning. There’s no way around this; I’m going to have to take the rest of the day off, and see a dentist to have this resolved.”
14.Family Emergency
Now this one is quite common and many people will not bother asking questions regarding it. Like caring for a sick child, family emergencies could range from assisting a parent to babysitting any relative.
What to Say: “My father has a broken pipe, and there’s now a flood in his kitchen. He’s old and helpless, above eighty, and doesn’t even comprehend what is going on. I will need to take the day off, go there and help him clean up and make some repairs.”
What to Say: “My mom fell this morning and has a received a concussion.
15. Food Poisoning
If you think you have food poisoning, this is a legitimate reason for missing work.
What to Say:
"I think I have food poisoning. I can’t keep anything down and I won’t be able to come in to work today."
16.Home Emergency
Eventually every individual is faced with some form or the other of home emergency. These can be intense such as a burnt house or a flooding one or they can be less extreme and for example include a broken pipe overgrown invasive termites or leaking roofs.
What to Say:
“We had a lot of rain last night and something went wrong with my drainage system because I woke up to a basement with a foot of water. I’m going to need to take the day off to figure out how we’re going to clear out the water and salvage what we can before it causes more damage.”
What to Say:
“Today I was all set to go, but just when I was opening the door, I discovered a seeping leak on the ceiling of my home. That’s when we found out it is a roof leak. I contacted a roofing company and they should be arriving within the next 3 hours. I do not wish to aggravate the situation and since the roof needs to be fixed, I will not be able to work today.”
17.Because of Illness or a Fever
If you consider yourself ill or feverish, you should also feel free to take sick leave.
What to say:
Today I woke up with a fever as a result of the late-night editions I was working on yesterday. I apologize for letting you know at such short notice, but i cannot make it to work today. I’ve decided to rest and hopefully, the fever will go away. But, if it persists, I will be visited by a specialist sooner than later.
What to Say:
“I am feeling very unwell. I’ve just spent the whole night suppressing diarrhea and vomiting. I am doing everything in my power not to step out of the house and I am in no condition to come to work today.”
People don’t ask questions when you say you have sustained an injury or someone in your house has sustained an injury.
What to Say:
“While I was carrying my son’s toys away this morning, I tripped on them and hurt myself. I have injured my ankle and I cannot walk on it. Whether it is a sprain or not, I do not know, but it is not safe for me to drive. So I won’t be going to the office today.”
What to write: "I cut my hand because of a knife while washing the morning dishes and I need to go to the hospital for stitches. I can't stop the bleeding. I am really sorry for the inconvenience, but I can't come to the office today."
What to write: "I believe I threw my back out at the gym, and I can hardly get up. I've put ice on it and I may have to go to the doctor's if it doesn't get better. I don't think it is reasonable for me to drive to the office today."
19.Serving on a Jury
Also, you’d want to notify your boss well in advance so that it isn’t a last minute inform, however they definitely have to let you go to fulfil your obligations as a citizen.
What to Say:
“In three weeks I must serve jury duty. I report on Friday the 26th and will learn thereafter whether I should return the following week. I don’t intend to be in the office that Friday and wanted to warn you, I might not be in the office the following week either if I’m selected.”
20. Medication
This is because it is understandable that the office cannot be attended to some extent, for instance due to lack of very crucial medication.
What to Say:
“I just found out that I have finished my heart pills. I took the last one today and I need to ask for a sick leave in order to visit my physician and get some more from the pharmacy.”
In case you suffer from a terrible migraine, this is another valid excuse for absence from work.
What to Say:
“I’m afraid I might not make it to work today as I am having a terrible migraine. I am resting in a dark room as I cannot stand even a ray of light.”
22.Religious Holiday
Most of the time if a manager understands that you have some sort of religious affiliation they wouldn’t even raise an eyebrow to this request to take time off from work for any particular reason.
What to Say:
“I would like to request tomorrow off in respect of (Diwali/Yom Kippur, Eid Mubarak, Rosh Hashanah).”
23.Child Illness
Employers will consider this in the same manner as personal illness. A medical certificate may be required in case it is abused, however, let’s be honest, some children get ill a lot.
What to say:
"I have to excuse myself because my son is ill with a fever and I must remain at home with him. Please bear with me for a minute as I try to brief you on the status of the ongoing projects so that you and the team are advised on the last point I reached."
What to say:
"The school is infested with some nasty germs which I suspect my daughter has brought home, and so I need to stay home with her today and see a doctor."
24.Witness a Crime
I hope you never find yourself in this situation, however, if you do, this is an accepted reason for absenteeism from work.
What to say:
"A hit-and-run incident occurred on the 5 earlier this morning, and I was an eyewitness who stood by to help those injured. I’m currently in the position of a witness, entangled with a cop and an injured party, and am not sure if I will get to the office today."
Additional Excuses
U.S. adults number over one billion with one or more allergies according to the CDC. There is a likelihood that your supervisor will understand your horrendous allergic reactions.
What to Say:
“Today has been rough in terms of my allergies. This weather change and the orange blossoms are getting to me. I’ve also been experiencing some throat swelling and dry cough. Apologies for the trouble, however, I feel it would be best if I remained indoors today.”
Blood Donations
Occasionally blood donation can lead to a degree of dizziness and this can let you assume a work frame that is not safe for yourself.
What to Say:
“Today was a blood donation camp and after I donated blood, the nurse advised me to not report to work due to feeling very weak and dizzy. This was not something I anticipated. Therefore there is no way I can report to work today!”
Crucial Package
Depending on what it is and the situation concerning your job, this might be excusable. If you have an office, it is very simple to have the latest iphone delivered to the office rather than the house. However, if it is some kitchen equipment, that is a different ball game altogether.
What to Say:
"The new dishwasher we bought is to be delivered and fitted tomorrow."
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