Best Bulletproof excuses to get out of work
When you need to take a day off from work, it's essential to have a solid excuse that won't raise any suspicions. In this article, we'll explore some bulletproof excuses that can help you get out of work without any issues.
Bulletproof Excuses to Get Out of Work
1. Family Emergency
A family emergency is one of the most common and legitimate reasons for calling out of work. If you have a family member who is ill or in need of immediate attention, this is a valid excuse. Make sure to provide as much detail as possible about the situation to avoid any further questioning.
2. Doctor’s Appointment
Having a scheduled doctor’s appointment is another reliable excuse. Ensure that you have a note from your doctor explaining the necessity of the visit. This will help you avoid any doubts about your absence.
3. Car Trouble
If your car breaks down, it can be a genuine reason for missing work. You can explain that you need to take it to the mechanic and provide any necessary documentation, such as a repair estimate or a note from the mechanic.
4. Home Emergency
Sometimes, unexpected home emergencies like a burst pipe or electrical issue can force you to take a day off. These situations are legitimate and can be explained with documentation from a repair service.
5. Personal Health Issues
If you're experiencing personal health issues, such as a sudden illness or chronic condition flare-up, this is a valid reason for calling out of work. Be prepared to provide medical documentation if needed.
6. Bad Weather
Bad weather can be a legitimate reason for missing work, especially if it causes flight delays or makes driving conditions unsafe.
What to Say:
"My flight was canceled due to bad weather and I won’t be back in town until tomorrow. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to come into work today."
What to Say:
"My drive is blocked with about 2 feet of snow and it is white-out conditions on the road. I don’t feel it’s safe to drive today. I think it’s best if I take the day off."
7. Car Accident
Car accidents happen, often at no fault of our own. This is a legitimate excuse that almost every manager will support.
What to Say:
"I was just rear-ended on my way to work today. I’m ok, I’ve called the police department, but I have to wait on someone to get here and contact the insurance company. I’m sorry, but I won’t be in the office today."
8. Car Trouble
Maybe it’s not an accident, but a flat tire, your car won’t start, or a cracked windshield. You might not want to ask for the whole day off depending on the circumstance, but it’s sure to be an acceptable excuse for coming in late if nothing else.
What to Say:
"I can’t get my car to start this morning. The battery seems fine, so I had to call a tow truck to take it to the dealership to find out what is wrong. I won’t be able to make it into the office today."
What to Say:
"I woke up to a flat tire on my car. I’m going to try and get it to the tire shop this morning and get it fixed. It may take a few hours so I don’t know if I’ll make it to work today."
9. Covid or Flu
If you're experiencing symptoms of COVID or the flu, this is a valid reason to call out of work.
What to Say:
"I was up last night with chills and the worst sore throat of my life. I went in and took a Covid and Flu test but I’m waiting for the results. I’m going to stay home and rest today while I wait for the results."
10. Cramps
Menstrual cramps can be severe and are a legitimate reason for missing work.
What to Say:
"I’m having severe menstrual cramps this morning. I can barely move. I’m lying on the couch and I’m not going to make it into work today."
11. Daycare
If your child's daycare is closed or your nanny is unavailable, this is a legitimate excuse.
What to Say:
"The school called and my son is being sent home early. I need to leave work and go get him."
What to Say:
"My nanny called in sick at the last minute this morning and I can’t find anyone else to watch our kids. I’m going to need to take the day off."
12. Death in the Family
No one will ask questions if you need to take time off for bereavement.
What to Say:
"My mother passed away unexpectedly this morning. I won’t be coming into work today."
What to Say:
"As you know, my grandfather has been battling cancer for the past year. I just got a call that he passed last night. I need to take the day off to be with my family."
13. Dental Emergency
If you have a dental emergency, such as a broken tooth or a crown coming off, this is a valid reason for missing work.
What to Say:
"I have a temporary crown on my tooth and it came off this morning. I’m going to need to take the day off and go to the dentist to have this fixed as soon as possible."
14. Family Emergency
This is another one that most people won’t ask questions about. Similar to taking care of a sick child, family emergencies can cover anything from helping a parent or taking care of any family member.
What to Say:
"My father has a broken pipe and his kitchen is flooded. He’s over 80 and doesn’t know what to do. I need to take the day off to drive over there and help him clean up and figure out how to fix it."
What to Say:
"My mom fell this morning and has to go to the ER. I need to take her so I can’t make it to work today."
15. Food Poisoning
If you think you have food poisoning, this is a legitimate reason for missing work.
What to Say:
"I think I have food poisoning. I can’t keep anything down and I won’t be able to come in to work today."
16. Home Emergency
At some point, everyone experiences some form of home emergency. These could be major issues like a house fire or flood, or something smaller such as a broken pipe, termites, or a roof leak.
What to Say:
"We had a lot of rain last night and something went wrong with my drainage system because I woke up to a basement with a foot of water. I’m going to need to take the day off to figure out how we’re going to clear out the water and salvage what we can before it causes more damage."
What to Say:
"I was on my way out the door this morning and I noticed a leak in my ceiling. Turns out we have a roof leak. I called a roofer and they’ll be here sometime in the next 3 hours. I don’t want it to cause more damage, so I’ll need to take the day off so we can get this repaired."
17. Illness or Fever
If you're sick or have a fever, this is a valid reason for missing work.
What to Say:
"I woke up with a fever today. I’m sorry for the late notice, but I can’t come to work today. I’m going to take it easy and see if I can get it to go away. If not, I’ll have to go see the doctor."
What to Say:
"I’ve been up all night with diarrhea and vomiting. I haven’t been able to keep much down and I’m in no condition to come to work today."
18. Injury
No one will question you if you’ve injured yourself or if someone in your household has an injury.
What to Say:
"I tripped on my son’s legos this morning and injured my ankle. I’m not sure if it’s a sprain, but I can’t walk on it and it’s not safe to drive. I won’t be coming into the office today."
What to Say:
"I sliced my hand open on a knife while washing dishes this morning and I need to see a doctor about stitches. I can’t get it to stop bleeding. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I need to take the day off today."
What to Say:
"I think I threw my back at the gym and I can barely move. I’ve got it iced and I may have to go see the doctor later if it doesn’t improve. I don’t think it’s safe for me to drive into the office today."
19. Jury Duty
You’ll want to inform your supervisor ahead of time so it’s not last minute, but they have no choice but to excuse you for your civic duty.
What to Say:
"I was selected for jury duty in 3 weeks. I have to report on Friday the 26th and then I’ll find out if I have to come back the following week or not. I wanted to give you a heads up that I won’t be in the office that Friday and I may not be in the following week either if I’m selected."
20. Medicine
If you find that you’ve run out of an important drug, that’s a valid reason to miss work.
What to Say:
"I just realized that I’m out of my heart medication. I took the last pill today and I have to take the day off to talk to my doctor and go to the pharmacy."
21. Migraine
If you’re experiencing a severe migraine, this is a legitimate reason for missing work.
What to Say:
"I’m not going to be able to come to work today. I have a severe migraine. I’m lying down in the dark and I can hardly look into the light."
22. Religious Holiday
If your boss knows you practice a religion, they usually won’t ask questions or blink an eye at this excuse to get out of work.
What to Say:
"I’d like to take tomorrow off in observance of (Diwali/Yom Kippur, Eid Mubarak, Rosh Hashanah)."
23. Sick Child
Employers will treat this the same as if you were sick. You may need a doctor’s note if it becomes excessive, but let’s face it, some kids get sick often.
What to Say:
"My son has a fever and I need to stay home with him. I’ll try to update you in a few minutes on our outstanding projects so you and the team know where I left off."
What to Say:
"Something really contagious is going around the school and I think my daughter caught it. I need to take the day off and take her to the doctor today."
24. Witness to a Crime
Hopefully, this never happens to you, but if it does, this is a solid reason to call out of work.
What to Say:
"I witnessed a hit-and-run accident on the 5 this morning and I stopped to make sure everyone was ok. I’m tied down with the police officer and the injured person as a witness right now. I don’t know if I’ll make it to work today."
Additional Excuses
One in three US adults have some form of allergy (CDC). Chances are your boss will be able to relate to your extreme allergy symptoms.
What to Say:
"My allergies are horrible today. The change in weather and the orange blossoms are really triggering me. I’ve had some swelling in my throat and I can’t stop coughing. I’m sorry for any inconvenience, but I think it’s best that I stay home today."
Donating Blood
Sometimes donating blood can cause lightheadedness which may cause a situation that is not safe for you to work.
What to Say:
"I went to the blood donation drive today and the nurse who took my blood recommended that I stay home since I felt pretty weak and lightheaded afterward. I wasn’t expecting to feel like this. I don’t think it’s safe for me to come to work today."
Important Delivery
Depending on what it is and your work situation, you might be able to get away with this. If you work in an office, it’s easy to have your new iPhone delivered there instead of at home. But if it’s a big appliance, that’s another story.
What to Say:
"Our new dishwasher is being delivered and installed tomorrow."
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